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Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
At the Library:
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 1 in-library use only
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 2 in-library use only
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 3 in-library use only
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 4
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 5 in-library use only
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 6 in-library use only
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 7
East Asia » Media » HB3654 .Z46 2004 DVD-ROM 8 in-library use only
Search database:
East Asia Studies; General and Reference Works; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East)
Provides citations to western-language periodical articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, Festschriften, etc. pertaining to east, southeast, and south Asia. Covers 1971 to the present, including full data from the print editions from 1971-1991.
Search database:
East Asia Studies; General and Reference Works
Provides access to the sales catalogs of electronic books that have been converted into electronic format from copyrighted, printed books primarily in the humanities and social sciences, published in Korea.
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Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Created by the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, it comprises 6 full-text databases: 1. Oracular Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells and Bones; 2 . Excavated Wood/Bamboo and Silk Scripts; 3. Bronze Inscriptions; 4. the Entire Body of Extant Han and Pre-Han (pre-220 AD) Traditional Chinese Texts; 5. Traditional Chinese Texts of Wei Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties (220-589 AD); 6. the Entire Body of Extant Chinese Encyclopedias (Leishu), which is forthcoming.
Search database:
News; East Asia Studies; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East)
Full-text database of Chinese journals in the world. It contains more than 8,000 journals starting from 1979. 9 Series databases--Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics (Series A), Chemistry, Metallurgy (Series B), Industrial Technology & Engineering (Series C), Agriculture (Series D), Medicine/Health (Series E), Literature/History/Philosophy (Series F), Economics/Politics/Law (Series G & J), Education/Social Science (Series H), Electronics/Information Science (Series I).
Search database:
Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; East Asia Studies
Comprehensive database Web site focusing on economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city level, and financial indicators of more than 568 industrial branches. Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
This collection contains a wide range of materials documenting western interaction with China from the first embassy by Lord Macartney to trade negotiations for military aircraft in the 1970s. It includes papers regarding the Macartney and Amherst Embassies, the Opium War, Arrow War, Boxer Rebellion, Taiping Rebellion, the opening of treaty ports, the creation and running of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and the birth of the People's Republic, and strong collections relating to missionaries and their experiences. It contains maps, drawings and photographs, and personal accounts of life and work in China throughout the period.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Provides access to multimedia series about Korean, Western, and ancient history and art.
Search database:
East Asia Studies; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East)
Newspapers in PDF format from March 9, 1920 issue to current issue.
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Islam and the Middle East; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); African Studies; Political Science; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; East Asia Studies; Religious Studies
This resource is a part of the larger IMF website. It contains IMF reports, including the IMF country reports series, and publications arranged alphabetically by country. Includes: annual meetings speeches; Article IV staff reports; heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) documents; joint staff assessments; joint staff advisory notes; International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) statements; letters of intent; news briefs; policy framework papers; poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSP); press releases; public information notices (PIN); staff papers; transcripts; surveys; and other publications.
Corporate Author:
International Monetary Fund.
Search database:
East Asia Studies; News
Full text database including over 570 Korean scholarly journals. The journal titles are arranged by 11 subject categories such as economics, engineering, education, medicine, etc. and all journals are available from the first issue.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Subset of KoreaA2Z. Digital Culture Art Course is based on VOD lectures presented by well-known [Korean] scholars and specialists. It contains 70 titles for 923 courses under 7 sub-categories for continuing education (Architecture, cartoon and animation, Literature, Culture, Art, Cinema, Music, Philosophy).--Database introduction page.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
"Duxiu.com" is an aggregated search engine created by SuperStar Digital Library. It searches journals, newspapers, conference proceedings and books, and yields relevant pages for reading.
Search database:
East Asia Studies; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); General and Reference Works
Provides resources in the field of Korean studies, covering all academic disciplines such as arts and humanities, social sciences, sciences, medical sciences, and physical education. Also provides links to Han'guk haksul chŏngbo wŏnmun teit'ŏbeisu, Han'guk haksul chŏngbo tanhaengbon mit e-book, KoreaA2Z-Han'gukhak DB k'ont'ench'ŭ, Tijit'ŏl munhwa yesul kangjwa, Han'guk hyŏndaesa t'onghap teittŏbeisŭ, Pukhan haksulchi t'onghap teit'ŏbeisŭ, Han'guk yŏksa munhwa chosa charyo teit'ŏbeisŭ, Yŏksa munhwa sirijŭ, Lo aen bi pŏmnyul chŏngbo sŏbisŭ.
Search database:
African Studies; Anthropology and Archaeology; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies; Film and Media Studies; French and Italian Studies; Geography; Islam and the Middle East; Jewish Studies; Language; Music; Race and Ethnicity; Religious Studies; Slavic and Eastern European Studies; Social Sciences (General); Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Intended to be a visual encyclopedia of human behavior and culture, online in streaming video. Contains classic and contemporary documentaries; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Includes footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures. Thematic areas include: language and culture, kinesthetics, body language, food and foraging, cooking, economic systems, social stratification and status, caste systems and slavery, male and female roles, kinship and families, political organization, conflict and conflict resolution, religion and magic, music and the arts, culture and personality, and sex, gender, and family roles.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
"NPM Online is a database application aimed at educational promotion and academic exchanges ... . Collections exhibited in NPM Online are classified into seven categories: painting, calligraphy, ceramics, jade, bronze, Buddhist antiques, and rarities (stationery, tusks, woods, bones, lacquers, and silk tapestries, etc.)"--About NPM online. "Gu gong xian shang, tu pian yu wen zi nei rong you Taiwan Taibei Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan shou quan shi yong, shi yi ge jian ju jiao yu tui guang yu xue shu xing zhi zhi zi liao ku, nei rong han hui hua, shu fa, tao ci, yu qi, tong qi, fo jiao wen wu, zhen wan (wen fang, ya, mu, gu, qi, ge xiu ... ) deng."
Search database:
East Asia Studies; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East)
A collection of 91 full-text databases related to Korean studies in a variety of subjects such as Korean history, literature, arts, oriental medicine and classics. They are arranged in 9 categories and each database provides access to full text as well as image files.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies
Provides access to excavation reports and reports about cultural relics published in Korea since the 1940s.

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